School of Experimental Building Technology

Hi @OregonScott are you still interested in this?

I am keen to experiment with building different shelter/home/cabin designs.

I was just mentioning over here that we have some raw land where we want to build an eco-village. We are starting with raw land so small, cheap housing is one of the first things we are needing to house the people that we hope will come and stay in and help us build the village.

For our context, the ideal cabin would be something small, just a bed and a desk (kitchen, toilet, shower would a separate shared facilities), DIY something we could build ourselves using timber cut from local trees or other easily sourced materials.

I think my next step should be to list what’s already out there in terms of plans and builds including @charlie ’s awesome common cave, then price them up, and commit to a build.

Anyone else also in the building phase or got design/building skills keen to work on this? I’d be keen to hear from you (vaiian on the discord).

I think the physical cabin building is a big pain point for node caretakers, so I’m keen to see and participate in some coordinated/collaborative efforts around this.

@charlie did the mentioned proposal go ahead? How’s it going?

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