An approach for launching local clubs

This is a draft approach for how Cabin can launch a “local clubs” program to help more people routinely connect with community around shared interests.

Cabin launched Supper Clubs last year to help Citizens host community meals around the globe, gathering over 300 people across 20+ towns & cities for community meals. Local clubs are an evolution of the Supper Club program to help catalyze more community building opportunities, originally prioritized in the Winter 24 Roadmap (previously named Local Chapters).

What are local clubs?
Local clubs as self-organizing groups who routinely gather in person. Founded by Cabin Citizens, local clubs create opportunity for anyone to gather around shared interests and activities.

What do local clubs do?
That’s up to them. As long as the events are well natured and shared amongst the community, Cabin Citizens can collaborate to gather people, explore interests and facilitate events through the local clubs program. Some example activities include:

  • Civic engagement (e.g. trash cleanup, park potluck, natal support group)
  • Collaborative creation (e.g. crafts group, paint nights, jam sessions)
  • Recreational activities (e.g. hiking, board games, yoga, sports etc)
  • Educational opportunities (e.g. AI trends, web3 onboarding, coliving resources)
  • Social / environmental impact (e.g. build a park bench, plant some trees, fix a pothole, start a garden)

and more! What ideas would you add? We’re excited to see what ideas community members come up with, especially as local club activity has the opportunity to help seed the foundations of new Neighborhoods (see Clubs -> Neighborhoods for more on this).

What is the difference between a local club and neighborhood?
Cabin Neighborhoods are physical places intended for some form of community living.

Local clubs are groups of people who routinely come together around shared activities, regardless of the current community living infrastructure they share.

How can you found a local club?
As the program is being incubated by Cabin Labs, two or more Cabin Citizens can found a local club by submitting an idea to the contributor pod for review and approval.

As the program matures, we can co-create a path towards progressive decentralization as we refine a local club guide and other supporting structure / resources.

What support do local clubs receive from the Cabin ecosystem?

  1. Access to funding for events (details around the scope of funding to be refined during the 1st local club cohort)
  2. The ability to broadcast events across the Cabin network (e.g. newsletter, socials, group chats)
  3. Support planning community gatherings (online resources and remote support)

Why should you join a local club?
We hope you are excited to join a local club to:

  • Connect with new friends around group activities
  • Explore opportunities for collaboration and co-creation
  • Support cultivating stronger relationships amongst local community

How can we help create more local clubs?

Step 1: Identify a cohort of community leaders interested in launching a local club to pilot early efforts

Step 2: Co-create a Local Club Guide that provides more details on the structure of the program

Step 3: Launch supporting tools to help organize efforts (e.g. a Notion board for local clubs)

Step 4: Explore models for financial support to see how Cabin can help catalyze more local club efforts (e.g. grants for local clubs based on the number of Citizens that are a part of them)

Make sure to reach out if you’re interested in joining the first cohort, supporting the local club rollout further, or have ideas to share and contribute. :love_letter:


Music to my ears. I’d love to be in this first cohort. Sign me up. It feels very natural to just host a monthly supper club here in Boulder as a way of organizing local cabin folk towards coliving possibilities (cabin neighborhoods). Then build on a regular cadence of gathering and see what we can create together as relationships strengthen.