Neighborhood Accelerator DAO Proposal

I’ll start off by sharing that I am grateful Cabin has such a dedicated and compassionate community builder like @savkruger leading the NAP. It was a pleasure to work with her on the Cabin Labs team this past winter / spring, and I am in strong support of her continuing to lead the NAP program forward.

Few questions / thoughts:

1. Are there additional dependencies outside this proposal for its success? Visibility into plans for external dependencies would help paint a more holistic picture for how funded contributors will be collaborating to work together on shared goals, allowing the DAO to strategically allocate funding with more visibility across the set of dependent projects.

2. What does it mean to be an “active” neighborhood in Cabin’s network? Previously Cabin had invested lots of time and effort to onboard neighborhood hosts as a part of their network city launch, and not many seem to be active today. I understand that the NAP is designed to boost engagement and nurture relationships with new neighborhood stewards, but how will this engagement be sustained once people exit the NAP program, and what about stewards outside of the NAP? As a neighborhood steward myself who is not in the NAP, I am not sure how to engage with the Cabin ecosystem beyond working on new proposals or chatting or Discord / Telegram. I would love to understand how contributor pods will be working together to foster community retention to avoid the high turnover that Cabin has experienced.

3. Are there any examples of “viable revenue opportunities” that are being actively pursued by NAP participants? While working at Cabin Labs I had pitched a few third space opportunities to @jon that he deemed not worthwhile, claiming that they had tried them yet failed as a part of past experiments already. I saw the potential business models post, but I haven’t seen any updates around revenue generating experiments that are being collaboratively pursued with NAP participants, and am curious how discussions on the topics of business models have gone with participants.

4. What is the plan to decentralize the NAP program? For a global network city to thrive, I think it makes sense to onboard more facilitators. Its been awesome to see new facilitators getting involved already, so I think this is underway, but I would love to see a deliverable document be a part of this proposal that outlined a vision and approach for progressive decentralization of the NAP to better grow and deepen connections across a globally diverse community.

5. How will progress be shared and opportunity for community input created throughout the year? I think @savkruger has done a great job sharing progress updates so far, but after Cabin Labs’ burn-the-ships pivot mid proposal without a DAO vote, I think it would be helpful for new proposals to outline a plan for keeping the community involved in the behind the scenes activities and decision making, with routine progress updates and opportunities for community input.

6. How will the facilitator & contributor budget be used? The $20K amount currently being requested would result in ~$1.6K budget per month for 12 months. I’d love to see this proposal include more details around how people interested in supporting the program can get involved to help illuminate opportunities and encourage interested people to reach out. I also think it would be worthwhile to have more funding allocated towards contributors to help scale the program while maintaining the authenticity of connections with a plan outlined for onboarding, engagement, and measuring the effectiveness of contributor efforts. Maybe this could be another deliverable for an operational & strategy doc of sorts that is worked on during this proposal?

7. Shouldn’t more ₡ABIN tokens be allocated towards the NAP? With the NAP program being the cornerstone of what Cabin Labs intends to rebuild the community around, I would love to see more ₡ABIN allocated towards @savkruger for leading the program, to contributors for supporting the program, and to NAP cohort participants for helping to collectively shape the experience.

Currently @jon & @grin both receive the following ₡ABIN token allocation from the founder-level vesting proposal:

As a result, Jon & Grin earn >2,000 vested ₡ABIN tokens / month in their role for a combined total of 50,000 ₡ABIN / year, while this proposal would only allocate 7,400 ₡ABIN / year for the NAP program. Jon also controls Cabin Labs’ 12,600 ₡ABIN budget, and Grin requested 2,400 ₡ABIN for his technical needs proposal. Adding all that up, this NAP proposal represents only ~11% of the ₡ABIN allocation across proposals mentioned.

From my perspective, the work @savkruger is doing leading the NAP is the most impactful work being done at Cabin right now, and I would love to see her, neighborhood stewards, and other contributors recognized more for their roles in helping to create a community that Cabin Labs intends to monetize through different business models. By allocating more ₡ABIN to the NAP, we can create systems of mutual support as we collaborate towards shared goals, instead of replicating the extractive practices of traditional businesses. For those unaware of the importance of ₡ABIN, it controls voting for how Cabin allocates money as an organization, check out the Cabin DAO governance wiki and this awesome podcast that talks about tensions and opportunities around VC backed DAOs for more info. I’ve also asked more questions in this open discussions post that aim to help create shared understanding about Cabin DAO’s origin story.

I recognize that answers to some of these questions might involve more lengthy discussions, and I think that addressing them should involve responses from other people beyond @savkruger, so I’d welcome us compartmentalizing those with linked comments to other forum posts, and I’m excited for more live engagement opportunities like @savkruger’s upcoming community call on this being planned in the Cabin Discord group chat server #DAO-proposals channel.

Also shout out to everyone here reading these posts and getting involved. The beauty of DAOs is the opportunity for community to create decentralized and transparent organizations. Grateful to have the chance to build alongside you all :saluting_face:

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