Cabin Labs - Fall 2024

:houses: A quick reminder about Cabinā€¦

Vision: A network city of intergenerational neighborhoods
Mission: Create neighborhoods where youā€™d want to grow up
Goal: 500 neighborhoods in the next 5 years
Obvious Truths: Live Near Friends. It Takes a Village. Do The Thing. Touch Grass. Play Infinite Games.

:pray: Asks

  • Cabin Labs is looking for a Content & Community Growth Lead to help grow the Neighborhood Accelerator and our global network of neighborhoods. We would love your referrals & promotion of the role.

:wave: Updates

Participants in Cohort to of the Neighborhood Accelerator Program

  • The network society movement is growing & we remain at the forefront
    • In the past monthā€¦
    • These gatherings showedā€¦
      • There is growing momentum and engagement in this ecosystem, including explosive growth in popup villages, but itā€™s still clearly still very early.
      • Cabin is at the forefront of the ecosystem as a brand and community. Our network of neighborhoods is the most advanced network city project in the world.
  • We are experimenting with sustainable business models for our network of neighborhoods
    • We are charging $400 for participating in the accelerator, but that wonā€™t generate sufficient revenue to be financially sustainable.
    • We have helped neighborhoods apply for and receive public goods funding, and are working on a bigger partnership here.
    • We plan to start experiments on: local municipality partnerships, third spaces for families, and potentially hyperlocal media.
    • We are not going to run popup village events, as itā€™s becoming a crowded market and we have more conviction in the accelerator as our growth model.
    • We think thereā€™s long-term potential in serving as a real estate brokerage for neighborhoods and are monitoring the market for opportunities.
    • We think thereā€™s long-term potential in serving as an L2 for charter cities, but Prosperaā€™s recent setbacks may limit our current experiment there.

:+1: Highlights / :-1: Lowlights:

:+1: Neighborhood Accelerator: We continue to see strong signs of early PMF with the Neighborhood Accelerator program. We believe investing in the accelerator is the best path to scale our network city.

:+1: Clarity of Direction: We have seen enough signal from the initial accelerator experiments to reorient our roadmap and goals around it. We also updated our Obvious Truths.

:+1: TNS Camp: We put on an excellent event for builders and leaders across the ecosystem, and grew our conviction in building for families. We also grew our conviction that popup villages are becoming a crowded market and that the accelerator is a better fit for scaling the network city Cabin is building. We do not plan on doing more popup/camp style gatherings for the foreseeable future.

:+1: Cabin Labs Team: We just completed our Cabin Labs retreat, and Savannah, Grin, and myself are working very well together. Having a small, focused team has been great for productivity.

:+1: Community engagement: Over the past year, we have been making intentional investments in community/DAO engagement. We are now seeing much higher rates of network engagement across discord, telegram, the forum, and the census. We have some work to do to streamline channels, but itā€™s an early positive sign of network momentum.

:-1: Marketing role: We had a false-start on bringing a marketer onto the team to help scale the accelerator, and had to part ways after the first month. On a positive note, the DAO had good intuition about this, a sign of effective community governance. We are now searching for a replacement for this role.

:-1: Prospera challenges: While our first experiment building a neighborhood in a special economic zone has been successful due to the awesome work of Neighborhood Steward @ChristineU, Prospera now faces existential risks that could impact our experiment and the broader movement.

:money_with_wings: Money

Cash (DAO + Pods): $2,722,202
Burn Rate (current approved proposals): $37.5K / month
Implied runway: 72 months = 6 years
Default dead by 2030

:fire: Shoutouts:

Brooke Bowman, Zach Anderson, and Balaji for making Network Society Camp a success

Kunal Tandon for community and governance participation

Jess Sloss, Josh Cornelius, and Joey DeBruin for advice on accelerator programs


Thanks for this! I also want to shout out @ChristineU for all her great work in ProsperĆ”. Literally everyone I talk to who has spent time down there has said that sheā€™s doing an amazing job.

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Wait, so no more TNS camp?


nope, not planning to do another one for the foreseeable future. Events like this are a lot of fun, but they are also a lot of work, and we need to prioritize things that contribute the most to growing our network city.

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Makes sense, just bummed to miss it ā€” almost went this year (but, in retrospect, wouldnā€™t even be able to get the flight there).

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@Dahveed I think another way to say this is @jon + @grin + I donā€™t want to host more large scale events for Cabin for the foreseeable future because weā€™d rather spend out time doing other things. If others want to make large (or medium or small) scale events happen on behalf of Cabin they totally can. Itā€™s just not our focus anymore. TNS camp could happen again just like Farcon could happen again, itā€™ll just need to be a different team.


Exactly. This is the seasonal reflections update for Cabin Labs. We arenā€™t planning another one, but if someone else wants to do a large scale event, I am happy to share learnings and try to support them (but I will probably also try to talk them out of it first :joy:).


Farcon too? :sob:

But yeah, totally fair, and I have a feeling both will return in some shape (and itā€™s not like there isnā€™t a ton of other important work to be done, of course).



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:clap: for the Monty Python reference.


FarCon 2025 will be in NYC in May

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