Cabin Citizenship

Traditionally, being a citizen implies rights, access, and responsibilities in civic, political, and social life. Being a Cabin Citizen is characterized by a similar set of benefits and responsibilities.

Start you path to Citizenship by creating a profile here, and learn more below.


Cabin Citizenship is an annual subscription membership to Cabin’s network city that unlocks access to amazing people, places and experiences.

There are two paths to Citizenship:

  1. You can pay for Citizenship if an existing Citizen has vouched for you.
  2. You earn Citizenship for free each year that you hold 1000 ₡ABIN

What’s included in Citizenship

Citizens are issued digital and physical passports that give them access to our community’s global adventures, including:

  • Exclusive access to coliving and residencies at Cabin neighborhoods around the world. Initial offerings in the City Directory include locations in:
    • Costa Rica :costa_rica:
    • France :fr:
    • Bali :indonesia:
    • India :india:
    • Japan :jp:
    • Puerto Rico :puerto_rico:
    • Slovenia :slovenia:
    • Portugal :portugal:
    • Nearly a dozen locations across mainland USA :us:
  • A numbered Founding Citizen NFT
  • The ability to add locations and experiences in the City Directory.
  • Exclusive access to Cabin Community Events, including pop-up coliving experiences around conferences and other gatherings.
  • An invitation to Cabin Camp, our annual Citizen gathering at a 500-person summer camp, complete with a water park, a lake, an archery range, and programming designed to help grow our network city. The next iteration of Cabin Camp will take place in October 2024.
  • 25 ₡ABIN for each of the first 5,040 Founding Citizens to participate in transparent onchain governance of our network city.
  • Thousands of dollars in partnership benefits and discounts with vibe-aligned brands like WeWork, SafetyWing, Hipcamp, and more.

Founding Citizens

In order to plant the seeds of a strong culture, we have distributed the first Cabin Citizenships for free to original community members as a token of appreciation:

  • Participants in the original donation crowdfund (100)
  • Holders of at least 1000 ₡ABIN (50)
  • Passport holders (150)

This group will become the founding polis for deciding all future citizens. While we want to grow Cabin, we don’t want to grow it too fast. Vibes don’t blitzscale. By starting with this strong community of initial citizens and giving the power of community growth to you, we can increase the number of citizens without compromising the integrity and intimacy of our IRL experiences.

If every initial citizen vouches for one additional citizen a year, there will be 5,040 citizens in 4 years. Aristotle argued that 5,040 citizens made for an ideal self-governing city, or polis. It’s enough people to allow for social, political, and economic diversity while still maintaining the ability to cohesively self-govern.

5,040 citizens is also a good milestone for long-term community sustainability. Subscriptions from our founding 5,040 citizens would support fellowships that can provide for the product, operations, and community-building needs of Cabin on an ongoing basis and reach profitability on our current runway.


  • How do I become a Citizen?

The first step to becoming a Cabin Citizen is to create a profile on Cabin’s Census.

If you don’t know of someone to vouch for you, you can still create a free profile on Cabin’s Census and indicated your interest in being vouched for. You can also join our broader community for free on Discord or via one of our local Telegram group chats where you can meet and get to know other Citizens.

  • What is Census?

    The Census is Cabin’s community directory where members can build identity and reputation. You can join the Census here.

    When you participate in our online and offline gatherings, you can earn roles, passport stamps, and tokens that give you privileges, reputation, and governance rights. Anyone can create their profile in our Census and begin building their reputation and identity within the community. These credentials are distributed by a decentralized network of community members, stored onchain, and publicly verifiable by anyone.

  • When did Citizenship launch?

    Citizenship launched on May 23rd - the same week we celebrated our second birthday. We’re thrilled with how our community came together over its last two years to design a membership experience that helps us better colive, create, and conserve.

  • What should I do if I have a Cabin passport card but not Citizenship?

    If you have a Cabin passport card, complete this form and scan your passport card on a mobile device

    You can also go ahead and create your Census profile.

    Not just anyone can become a Cabin Citizen—only those who have been vouched for by an existing Citizen are eligible for Citizenship. A current citizen will have to vouch for you by visiting your Census profile.

  • What is vouching?

    Vouching is when a current Citizen indicates that someone they know would be a good fit for Cabin Citizenship, and gives their blessing. Typically, we look for folks who are interested in building better ways to colive, create, and conserve.

    Citizenship is a subscription membership managed through a web-of-trust vouching system. A current Citizen must nominate you for citizenship. There is no limit of how many vouches someone can send in a given year.

    If you don’t know of someone to vouch for you, you can still create a free profile on Cabin’s Census and indicated your interest in being vouched for. You can also join our broader community for free on Discord where you can meet Citizens and they can get to know you.

A web of trust, seeded by our amazing early community, will slowly grow outwards. We encourage prospective citizens to apply and explore the Cabin Census and City Directory to get a better sense of how the network city is structured.

  • How do I vouch for others?

    Each Citizen can provide unlimited vouches. To vouch for someone, the person seeking a vouch must first create a profile in Census.

    Current citizens can visit the profile of any prospective Citizen who has requested a vouch and that current Citizen can vouch for that prospective Citizen on that page.

  • How do I cancel?

    Visit the Citizenship Management page and tap “Manage.” From there, you will be able to access the Unlock protocol and cancel your membership.

  • Who should I contact if I run into issues?

    Message Jon on Discord or email him at

  • How does Citizenship further Cabin’s strategic ambitions of becoming a network city?

    Over the next few years, we plan to grow to 5,040 founding citizens. Why 5,040?

    It’s the number of citizens that Aristotle thought made for an ideal self-governing city. He thought 5,040 was enough people to allow for social, political, and economic diversity while still maintaining the ability to cohesively self-govern. It’s also a highly divisible number, and around the number of people you could cram into a physical location to hear a speaker before there were microphones.

    Technology has come a long way since then, but we still believe 5,040 is a good number of citizens for Cabin to aim for. Vibes don’t blitzscale. While we want to grow Cabin, we don’t want to grow it too fast. We believe that by starting with a strong community of initial citizens and giving the power of community growth to them, we can increase the number of citizens without outgrowing the vibe.

    If every citizen vouches for one additional citizen a year, there will be around 5,040 citizens in five years. 5,040 citizens is also a good milestone for long-term community sustainability. If we have 5,040 citizens paying $240 / year, we will replenish the DAO’s treasury with more than $1M / year in revenue.

    This is enough to support fellowships that can provide for the product, operations, and community-building needs of Cabin on an ongoing basis and reach profitability on our current runway. Cabin is an unincorporated nonprofit association, and the goal is for citizenship revenue to fully support the costs of operating the community—including maintaining free access to our online community for all members, whether or not they are citizens.

    At this size, we would achieve something that could reasonably be called a network city. It would have the same number of citizens as the first democratic Greek city-states. It would be a citizenship by and for citizens. A web of trust, seeded by our amazing early community, will slowly grow outwards.