State of the Network: Winter '24

Sharing a summary of this January’s State of the Network community call :loudspeaker:

You can also watch the recording and access the presentation.

And we would love for everyone to complete the Winter '24 gatherings survey to let us know what upcoming gatherings you’re interested in :tada:

Focus ahead

Continuing to build Cabin’s network city of modern villages with global Citizens will require a focus on:

  1. Continuing to make Citizenship better by providing Citizens with unique benefits will help our community thrive.

  2. Sustainably growing the network through routine local activations like Supper Clubs, and awesome gatherings like DAO Camp.

  3. Improving how we interact online & IRL through process and technology improvements to make it easier and more fun to connect across the network.

Reasons to celebrate

Citizens coming together to create community around the globe :people_hugging:

Community members going above and beyond to create a positive impact :star:

Cabin Citizenship keeps getting better

During the call @jon announced exciting new benefits for Cabin Citizens:

These added benefits aim to make Citizenship more valuable, rewarding and meaningful to community members everywhere. Learn more about the steps we are taking to make this a reality in the Winter '24 Roadmap.

Everyone can create a Census profile for free by logging into Cabin.City to connect with Cabin community members and start your journey towards Citizenship today.

Upcoming gatherings

Exciting opportunities to connect with community IRL coming up in 2024:

  1. Attend or host a Supper Club near you

  2. Feb 23 - Mar 7: Cabin @ ETH Denver, shared housing + events :tada:

  3. Apr 5 - 8: Cabin Village @ Vibeclipse, 15% discount for Citizens :label:

  4. Summer 2024: Citizen Gathering, more details coming :sun_with_face:

  5. Oct 11 - 14: The Network Camp, builders & creators unite :handshake:

Complete the Winter '24 gatherings survey to let us know which ones you’re interested in!

The Cabin Community Events forum post will be kept up to date with the latest details. and don’t forget that you can visit the growing list of community properties in the City Directory. :world_map:

Where to? … :thought_balloon:

Supper Clubs → Local Clubs → Neighborhoods?

With over 300 community members attending Supper Clubs across 20+ cities in the last 5 months, people are clearly eager for more opportunities to connect intentionally with community.

Special shout out to @camlindsay @tilmannb & @AliceSitar for sharing their Berlin Supper Recap & Reflection

Enter local clubs, an experiment to see how Cabin can support community activations around shared interested with people in and outside of the Cabin network near them, helping Citizens find more friends that they may one day want to live with.

What if clubs could…

  • Be founded by two or more Citizens who want to facilitate local events
  • Host events beyond community meals, based on community interests
  • Choose their own name, region(s) and topic(s) to focus on
  • Access more funding as a group than as individual hosts

How do we get started?

  • Connect with interested community members
  • Share examples and pilot new activities beyond community meals.
  • Support community leaders to get engaged and collaborate.
  • Encourage and reward Citizens for their help building community.

Have an idea for a local club activity or want to start one near you?

Complete the Winter '24 gatherings survey and we’ll be in touch to help out! More announcements on plans for local clubs coming soon :eyes:

Thank you for catching up on the State of the Network

Let us know your thoughts and if you have any questions in the comments here, in Discord or Telegram :love_letter:


Thanks for this! I’ve been meaning to ask you for the slides so this is great.

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